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Початок секції: Зміст:

Interkulturelle Kommunikation in der Arbeit

четвер, 09 травня 2019, Universität

Workshop für hochqualifzierte Geflüchtete und deren TrainerInnen

The workshop is one of the outcomes of the "Critical Skills for Life and Work" Erasmus+ project (http://cslw.eu/) which aims to help highly skilled refugees across Europe to navigate the job market and help them find a job they are qualified for.
Who is it for? Highly skilled refugees and teachers who teach them
When? June, 15th 2019, from 11 am to 4:30 pm
Where? Heinrichstrasße 36, 8010, Graz; room 11.11

Find more information here


Кінець розділу.

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