This webinar is organised as part of MSCA4Ukraine, an EU-funded fellowship programme for displaced researchers from Ukraine. The event will address funding opportunities available for researchers from Ukraine beyond the MSCA4Ukraine scheme and how to prepare competitive applications.
The webinar will cover:
- Other EU funding opportunities for researchers (Marija Fedotovaite, Policy Officer, European Commission)
- External funding opportunities for researchers from Ukraine (Dr Oleksandra Ivashchenko, Coordinator at Science for Ukraine and Medical Physicist at University Medical Centre, Groningen)
- Strategic approaches to applying for funding (Dr Oksana Seumenicht, MSCA4Ukraine Programme Director, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
- Do’s and don’ts of preparing funding applications for diverse grants/fellowships (Prof Rob Kitchin, Professor of Human Geography, Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute)
- Insights and learnings from the MSCA4Ukraine application process (Dr Oksana Seumenicht, MSCA4Ukraine Programme Director, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
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