Activities of the University of Graz to help Ukraine
Coordination point for inquiries about Ukraine aid | Stephanie Taferner Vice-Rectorate for Financial Affairs, Human Resources and Location Development | E-Mail |
Internal and external communication of the measures | Gerhild Leljak Communications and Public Affairs | E-Mail |
Simplified admission procedure to studies for refugees and processing of applications after the end of the grace period | Bernhard Sebl Academic Affairs | E-Mail |
Entry & residence of (also Russian) students and scientists, cooperation requests, E+scholarships | Sabine Pendl Office of International Affairs | E-Mail |
Third-party funded projects with Ukrainian participation; funding opportunities for Ukrainian researchers | Dr. Barbara Haselsteiner-Zach Office of Research Management and Service | E-Mail |
Granting of loans for affected students in financial distress; subsidy for psychotherapeutic care; help with problems with student dormitories (inability to pay, etc.); help with opening Austrian student bank accounts; assumption of the contributions to the Austrian Student Union (only if payment is not possible) | Austrian Student Union | |
Personnel law issues | Lisa-Maria Feldhammer Daniela Stangl Human Resources | E-Mail E-Mail |
Coordinator at the Faculty of Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences | Ralf Aschemann | E-Mail |
Coordinators at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences | Thomas Foscht, | E-Mail |
Coordinator at the Faculty of Law | Bernd Wieser | E-Mail |
Coordinator at the Faculty of Natural Sciences | Astrid Veronig | E-Mail |
Coordinator at the Faculty of Catholic Theology | Pablo Argárate | E-Mail |
Coordinator at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Mariya Donska | E-Mail |